The Parish is predominately a rural area , so social events take place at the Church or in Parishioners homes
Coffee mornings
Updates for these events will be announced here .
St Giles Ladies
Details will appear here, in the Church Porch or from Nest Overend .
Gentlemen’s supper club
The aim of the Supper Club is to have a fellowship meal in the evening on the third Tuesday of the Autumn/Spring months at a local eatery to enable the gentlemen of the Parish to gather socially, whilst at the same time giving limited financial support to St Giles. For more information contact Patrick Hooper or Chris Jacob by email.
Bell Ringing
St Giles has a full peal of 8 bells and welcomes visiting ringers and also visits other towers themselves. Want to stay fit? Why not come and try. Training provided. More information from Paul Barrett on 07731 677565
The St Giles Choir sings at 3 services a month, with rehearsals on Thursday nights, new members are always welcome. For more information contact Val Davies
Apart from fortnightly flowers, regular flower festivals are held. In addition, we are always on the look out for gardeners to help in the churchyard. For more information contact Dorothy Lucioli
Messy Church
St Giles, St Thomas and Hockley Heath Baptist Church together run Messy Church A lively, profound, fun and creative two hours after school or in school holidays with seasonal worship, craft activities and a meal for children and their families. Messy Church is currently suspended.
For more information on activities and organisations at St Giles Church click below to email us.